Friday, September 20, 2024

13 jobs that can never be replaced by AI | 3News

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The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked widespread debate about the future of employment in Ghana, and the world, at large. As AI systems become increasingly sophisticated, many are concerned that a significant portion of jobs could be automated, rendering human workers obsolete.

However, there are certain occupations that, due to their inherent complexities and the unique abilities of the human mind, are unlikely to be fully replaced by AI in the foreseeable future.

In this article, I explore 13 such jobs that are considered immune to the threat of AI automation. These professions, to a large extent, require a delicate balance of creativity, emotional intelligence, and complex decision-making that current AI technology is still unable to replicate. They rely on the irreplaceable human touch that AI systems have yet to achieve.

I suppose that, by examining the key characteristics that make these jobs resistant to automation, readers, especially university students and SHS graduates who are in a fix of choosing courses and careers that are not threatened by A.I, will gain some good appreciation of the limitations of AI.

Basically, this article provides a reassuring perspective on the lasting significance of certain professions and the continued relevance of the human element in the workforce.

  1. Teacher/Lecturer

Yes, there will always be the need for a school/classroom block. AI will never replace the school system. At best, online learning platforms can only add to or complement the traditional classroom and school system. This is because, effective teaching requires the ability to understand individual student needs, adapt instructional methods, and have meaningful connections between the teacher and students. These qualities, which are essential for effective teaching and learning, are currently difficult for AI systems to fully replicate due to the interpersonal and adaptive nature of the teaching process.

  1. Nurse

Hospitals, clinics and health facilities can never be replaced by AI. Nurses provide essential hands-on, personalized care that requires a high understanding of human physiology, an ability to make real-time decisions, and a high degree of empathy and emotional intelligence. These qualities, which are critical for effective patient care, are challenging for current AI systems to imitate given the complex and dynamic nature of healthcare.

  1. Doctor/Surgeon

Again, so far as hospitals, clinics and health facilities continue to exist, the need to have a doctor or surgeon physically present will remain. Performing complex medical procedures, such as surgery, demands a combination of advanced technical skills, spatial awareness, critical thinking, and real-time decision-making that current AI systems have difficulty replicating. Doctors and surgeons also require a comprehensive understanding of human anatomy and physiology, as well as the ability to exercise clinical judgment in unpredictable situations, which poses significant challenges for AI to emulate.

  1. Lawyer

Law courts will continue to exist in physical structures. The legal profession involves interpretation of given laws, complex case analysis, and creative problem-solving – skills that rely on the human ability to understand context, draw analogies, and make subjective judgments. Additionally, the need for lawyers to engage in persuasive advocacy and empathetic client counseling presents hurdles for AI to overcome in fully automating the legal field.

  1. Counselor

Counseling requires a deep understanding of the human psyche, the ability to build trust and rapport, and an intuitive sense of empathy and emotional intelligence. These qualities are essential for providing personalized support and guidance to clients facing complex personal and interpersonal challenges. Current AI systems lack the social and emotional capabilities necessary to fully replicate the role of a human counselor.

  1. Artist/Musician

The creative process of artistic and musical expression is fundamentally rooted in the human experience, drawing upon emotions, lived experiences, and unique perspectives. Capturing the essence of the human condition and evoking emotional responses in audiences requires a level of subjective interpretation and intuitive creativity that current AI technology has difficulty emulating, as it often lacks the depth of human understanding and the ability to truly innovate.

  1. Chef

It will be very difficult for AI to prepare food. The culinary arts involve a complex interplay of sensory perception, intuitive flavour combinations, and artistic presentation that transcends the capabilities of current AI systems. Chefs draw upon their extensive knowledge of ingredients, techniques, and cultural traditions, as well as their ability to creatively adapt recipes and respond to real-time changes, which are challenging to fully automate with technology.

  1. Religious/Spiritual Leader

Churches, mosques and religious institutions will remain an important part of the human life. Like schools and classrooms, these religious institutions will continue to have physical presence everywhere. The role of a religious or spiritual leader requires a deep understanding of the human condition, the ability to provide meaningful guidance and counsel, and a genuine connection with individuals seeking spiritual fulfillment. These qualities are inherently rooted in the human experience, drawing upon empathy, wisdom, and an interpretation of the complexities of the human soul – aspects that current AI systems will struggle to replicate.

  1. Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship involves a unique blend of creativity, risk-taking, and the ability to identify and capitalize on emerging market opportunities. These traits are deeply rooted in the human experience, that draws upon intuitive problem-solving, adaptability, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. Current AI systems lack the comprehensive understanding of the dynamic, complex, and subjective nature of entrepreneurial decision-making.

  1. Athlete/Sports

Football and sports fields and tracks will continue to have physical structures. Athletics requires a combination of physical prowess, split-second decision-making, and the ability to respond to the dynamics of a competitive environment. These skills are deeply ingrained in the human mind and body, honed through years of training and experience. Current AI and robotic systems struggle to replicate the real-time adaptability and the emotional drive that characterize exceptional athletic performance. Just imagine all Manchester United players were robots, or Usian Bolt was a robot. How exciting will the game be?

  1. Investigative Journalist

Investigative journalism relies on a unique blend of critical thinking, dogged persistence, and the ability to uncover hidden information through human-to-human interactions and intuitive analysis. These skills are grounded in the human experience, drawing upon empathy, curiosity, and a good understanding of social dynamics – aspects that current AI systems have difficulty replicating in the complex and unpredictable world of investigative reporting.

  1. Consultant

Consultancy requires the ability to provide tailored, context-specific advice and recommendations based on the understanding of an organization’s unique challenges and goals. This involves a blend of analytical skills, industry expertise, and interpersonal abilities that allow consultants to effectively communicate, collaborate, and problem-solve with clients. Current AI systems struggle to replicate the adaptive and relational aspects of the consulting profession.

  1. Skilled workforce

Skilled trades like plumbing, electrical work, masonry and carpentry require a combination of technical expertise, problem-solving abilities, and the physical dexterity to perform complex, hands-on tasks in dynamic, real-world environments. These skills become richer through years of training, practical knowledge, and the capacity to adapt to unforeseen challenges. Current AI and robotic systems have difficulty replicating the comprehensive skillset and adaptability of human skilled tradespeople.


The 13 jobs referred to in this article – from teaching and healthcare to the creative arts, entrepreneurship, and skilled trades – represent professions that are highly resistant to full automation by artificial intelligence.

These occupations rely on a unique blend of human qualities, such as emotional intelligence, creativity, critical thinking, and physical dexterity, which current AI systems will struggle to take over.

While AI and emerging technologies will undoubtedly impact the workforce in the coming years, I argue in this article that there are certain roles that will continue to require the irreplaceable human touch. The ability to empathize, adapt to dynamic situations, and leverage a deep, contextual understanding of the human experience remains a significant advantage that human workers hold over AI.

As students, graduates and job-seekers continue to explore their career paths, this article offers a reassuring perspective and guidance on which fields will continue to demand a human touch.

By understanding the key characteristics that make these professions resilient to automation, individuals can make informed decisions about their future and the skills they need to develop in order to thrive in an increasingly tech-driven world.

We are reminded that the human capacity for complex problem-solving, creativity, and emotional intelligence will continue to be in high demand, even as AI becomes more advanced. By recognizing and nurturing these uniquely human qualities, we can ensure that the workforce of the future remains a harmonious blend of human ingenuity and technological progress.

Thank you for reading today’s episode. Continue to follow the insightful articles I share on this page.

See you.

Writer: Daniel Fenyi

The writer is a licensed counselor, professional writer and conference speaker who guides young people through his writings. You can reach him via email [email protected]

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