Friday, October 25, 2024

Your Gemini Monthly Horoscope for June

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Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • June 3: Mercury enters Gemini
  • June 6: New Moon in Gemini
  • June 8: Mars enters Taurus
  • June 16: Venus enters Cancer
  • June 17: Mercury enters Cancer
  • June 20: Cancer season begins + summer solstice
  • June 21: Full Moon in Capricorn
  • June 29: Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

Happy birthday, Gemini! The Sun continues to make its way through your sign, making you the celestial favorite! Gemini season always gives you a boost of confidence to set goals for yourself and initiate new projects. You’re also focusing on your personal needs in relationships. People are eager to spend time with you and hear what you have to say!

You’re learning transformative news on June 2 when Jupiter in Gemini meets with Pluto in Aquarius. Conversations that take place today can alter long-held beliefs. If you’ve been waiting for some positive news to arrive about a job, relationship, or personal goal, today’s the day! Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters your sign on June 3, encouraging you to focus on yourself over the next few weeks. This is a fertile time for brainstorming and sharing your ideas. You might hear some important news from a family member, friend, or lover—or perhaps a pressing conversation emerges.

June 4 is the day to take a risk and practice your elevator pitch. Confidence is key to receiving more support when Mercury and Jupiter meet in your sign. You could also land an exciting contract or decide to take a trip of a lifetime. There’s even more reason to celebrate when the Sun and Venus, also in Gemini, meet at the same point in the sky later in the day. This marks a moment of renewal in your relationships—maybe you’re ready to talk about moving in together or discuss your hopes and expectations for the future.

You’re ready to redefine yourself under the New Moon in Gemini on June 6. This New Moon marks your yearly reset and it’s a chance to show the world a new side of yourself. You might get a drastic makeover, change up your style, or commit to a new personal goal. You’ll want to watch out for repressed anger and frustration once Mars enters Taurus on June 8. Over the next few weeks, it’s easy to bottle up resentment, which can lead to a big blowout. Now is the time to find a healthy way to express any simmering rage—like by taking a kickboxing class or screaming into a pillow. Don’t overwhelm your nervous system by self-sacrificing—holding firm boundaries with others is necessary.

You’re uncovering painful information on June 11 when Mars in Taurus rams into Pluto in Aquarius. It’s possible that this is something you’ve had an inkling about, but have ignored. Don’t beat yourself up if that’s the case. Now that the truth has been revealed, no matter how frustrating, you can do something about it. You’re touched by a personal revelation when the Sun and Mercury, both in your sign, link up on June 14. You’re ready to share important news with others or make a significant decision regarding what or who you want to focus on next.

Don’t be surprised if you’re feeling a little more emotional about money once Venus enters Cancer on June 17. The next few weeks remind you of your worth; go ahead and ask for a raise, apply for a new job, or sign up for a class to learn a new skill. On the same day, Mercury, the planet of communication, also enters Cancer. This can be a productive time to negotiate contracts and raises. Later in the day, Mercury and Venus meet in the sky and brings promising news about your finances. You could also hear some compliments regarding your work that leave you feeling more confident.

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The Sun enters Cancer and summer solstice arrives on June 20. It’s officially Cancer season! This summer brings more attention to your work. Bosses and people of influence are noticing your unique skills, and they’re ready to reward you. You could also take on more responsibility or visibility at work.

The Full Moon in Capricorn brings a financial matter to a close on June 21. You might settle some debt or discuss shared resources with a romantic partner. Emotionally, this is a heavy yet cathartic time to release the past and address any issues you’ve been avoiding. You’ll feel a flood of optimism and be excited about the future once you confront what’s been lingering in the shadows.

You’re showcasing your creative talents at work or making decisions based on your intuition when Venus in Cancer mingles with Mars in Taurus on June 28. You could also receive a surprising gift from someone special. The month closes out with Saturn Retrograde beginning in Pisces on June 29. Over the next few months, you might need to set stricter boundaries between your work and personal life. You may also find yourself reconsidering your current life path. It may be time to explore more meaningful work or step down from a role that feels constricting.

Headshot of Stephanie N. Campos

Stephanie is an astrologer, psychic medium, and witch. She’s studied the mystical arts for over a decade including the stars, mediumship, palm reading, tarot, curanderismo, and more. She is the author of Seasons of the Zodiac: Love, Magick, and Manifestation Throughout the Astrological Year and host of the podcast Daily Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign. Her work has also appeared in Refinery29, Well + Good, Bustle, among other publications, and she has appeared on the Today Show as an astrology expert and modern mystic. 

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