Friday, October 25, 2024

Your Cancer Monthly Horoscope for June

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Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • June 3: Mercury enters Gemini
  • June 6: New Moon in Gemini
  • June 8: Mars enters Taurus
  • June 16: Venus enters Cancer
  • June 17: Mercury enters Cancer
  • June 20: Cancer season begins + summer solstice
  • June 21: Full Moon in Capricorn
  • June 29: Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

You’re moving through some big emotions as the month begins, Cancer. We’re in the midst of Gemini season, which asks you to turn inward and address the feelings and behaviors that you’ve been ignoring. This is a season of surrender, release, and healing. You might also find that your body and spirit crave more solitude and rest over the next few weeks.

You’re unearthing big feelings and excavating what’s been lingering in your psyche on June 2 when Jupiter in Gemini meets with Pluto in Aquarius. Emotions run high, but this is an opportunity for healing, empowerment, and releasing your grip on the past. Your intuition can help point you in the next direction. Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters Gemini on June 3, adding emphasis to the most private part of your birth chart. You may want to try out a new spiritual practice or spend time honing your intuition. You’ll also want to watch out for becoming your own worst enemy over the next few weeks. Carve out time to rest and tend to your nervous system.

Your intuition leads you to your next big idea on June 4 when Mercury and Jupiter, both in Gemini, sync up. You may also be ready to kick a bad habit that you’ve kept around for far too long. On the same day, the Sun and Venus link up in Gemini, illuminating an important relationship dynamic. If there’s a truth you’ve been avoiding or if you’ve been pining for a past lover, this brings a turning point. This is also a healthy day for self-care, beauty treatments, and rest.

The New Moon in Gemini takes place on June 6, inviting you to rework your daily habits and routine. You might decide to set some boundaries or kick some limiting beliefs. This is a powerful time to get in touch with your inner voice. It’s also possible that you’re moving through a period of grief and learning to surrender, release, and close out a significant chapter of your life. Trust that a new, fertile beginning is just around the corner. Your social life is about to get hit with a dose of drama once Mars enters Taurus on June 8. The next few weeks might have you cutting people out of your life or addressing issues that you’ve glossed over. This can be a busier time when it comes to chasing after your dreams and goals. You might experience some exciting progress, but it will require consistent effort and dedication.

Watch out for repressed jealousy and envy on June 11 when Mars in Taurus rams into Pluto in Aquarius. Today, friends can turn into enemies. You may need to address uncomfortable power dynamics in a group or deal with inflamed egos today. A piece of information that was hidden is revealed when the Sun and Mercury meet in Gemini on June 14. This is an important day to tune into your dreams and intuition. Venus, the planet of love, enters your sign on June 16, making you ~glow~. The next few weeks can help you meet someone special if you’re open to dating, as well as experiment with your style and beauty routine. You may learn some promising news or receive support for a goal you’ve been working on.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters your sign on June 17, bringing interesting information your way. You might hear from some important people in your life or feel like conversations start to move along at a quicker pace. On the same day, Mercury and Venus join together in Cancer and the compliments are pouring in. This is a wonderful day for sharing your thoughts, ideas, and feelings. A contract negotiation may go well, or perhaps you tell someone you love them!

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The Sun enters Cancer and the summer solstice takes place on June 20. Summer is officially here, and so is Cancer season. The next few weeks are all about you! Not only is it your birthday, it’s your season to focus on setting new goals for yourself and going after your wildest dreams! You’re extra magnetic and people are noticing. Soak it up and look out for new opportunities!

The Full Moon in Capricorn puts a spotlight on your closest relationships on June 21. A romantic partner might experience a big change in their world, prompting them to ask you for support. You could also take the next step with a partner—like deciding to move in together or renew your vows. Singles might be ready to get serious about dating again and couples on shaky ground may decide to call it quits. This Full Moon can also bring attention to ongoing business contracts and collaborations—maybe you get a new opportunity or decide to cut ties with an old project.

Venus in Cancer and Mars in Taurus mingle in the sky on June 28, making you feel sexier than ever and bringing you a plethora of creative ideas. Finally, the month winds down with Saturn Retrograde beginning in Pisces on June 29. The next few months invite you to reconsider your long-held personal beliefs. Major perspective shifts are happening!

Headshot of Stephanie N. Campos

Stephanie is an astrologer, psychic medium, and witch. She’s studied the mystical arts for over a decade including the stars, mediumship, palm reading, tarot, curanderismo, and more. She is the author of Seasons of the Zodiac: Love, Magick, and Manifestation Throughout the Astrological Year and host of the podcast Daily Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign. Her work has also appeared in Refinery29, Well + Good, Bustle, among other publications, and she has appeared on the Today Show as an astrology expert and modern mystic. 

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