Saturday, October 26, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope for June 23 to 29, 2024

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Your weekly horoscope for June 23-29, 2024 puts your relationships under the spotlight. Locking eyes with someone from across the room feels more fated than coincidence when Venus in Cancer clashes into the Nodes of Fate and Destiny on June 26. You might feel a strong, karmic pull to people who enter your life today or feel the urge to make a decision regarding an important relationship. Trust that the people who enter and exit your life around this time are meant to do so.

On the same day, Mercury in Cancer mingles with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring a productive atmosphere. Your mental focus is on point today, so tackle some of the more tedious items that have overstayed their welcome on your to-do list.

Over the next few months, your commitments and responsibilities are up for review. Who and what is truly worthy of your precious time and energy?

A few days later, on June 28, Mercury in Cancer bumps into Chiron in Aries, shining a light on some of your wounds and pain. Conversations today can feel both triggering and cathartic. On the same day, Venus in Cancer connects with Mars in Taurus. Venus and Mars are both associated with desire, attraction, and love. This creates a dynamic and creative energy, and is a great time for a first date or to take a leap of faith on a passion project.

Saturn, the planet of limitations and boundaries, goes retrograde in Pisces on June 29. Over the next few months, your commitments and responsibilities are up for review. Who and what is truly worthy of your precious time and energy? You may also find yourself becoming a little more lax in your boundaries, too.

To get a closer look at what these cosmic shifts have in store for you, read on to find your zodiac sign’s weekly horoscope for June 23-29, 2024 (and be sure to read for your sun sign and your rising sign for the most accurate forecast).

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full June 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from June 23-29, 2024

  • Sunday, June 23: Moon enters Aquarius
  • Tuesday, June 25: Moon enters Pisces
  • Wednesday, June 26: Venus in Cancer square North Node in Aries
  • Wednesday, June 26: Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces
  • Friday, June 28: Moon enters Aries
  • Friday, June 28: Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries
  • Friday, June 28: Last Quarter Moon in Aries
  • Friday, June 28: Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus
  • Saturday, June 29: Saturn Retrograde in Pisces
  • Saturday, June 29: Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for June 23 to 29, 2024


aries horoscope slide

You’re learning some secrets, Aries, once Venus in Cancer rams into the Nodes of Fast on June 26. Someone in your family might reveal something insightful that helps you understand a family dynamic with more clarity and compassion.

Spending time with your loved ones leaves you feeling more confident on June 28 when Venus in Cancer teams up with Mars in Taurus. Someone special might help you see yourself from a new perspective and help you appreciate your own talent, worth, and gifts. You might also learn about a new professional opportunity that could bring some more cash your way, too.

Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on June 29, reminding you of the importance of rest. The next few months will require you to be diligent and firm in honoring your boundaries, especially around your free time. You may also decide to recommit to a spiritual or wellness practice that helps you unwind and strengths your intuition in the process.


taurus horoscope

Conversations go just the way you were hoping they would,Taurus, when Mercury in Cancer mingles with Saturn in Pisces on June 26. This is a productive day for coming up with a plan to reach one of your dreams and finding the right people along the way to help you reach your goals faster. You may also sign up for a class or workshop, and commit to learning something new.

You’re ready to take action on a creative idea once Venus in Cancer meets with Mars in Taurus on June 28. This is also a lovely day to put yourself back out there on the dating apps and to start swiping right.

You’re becoming more aware of how you want to spend your time and energy once Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on June 29. Some of your friendships might start to lose their spark, and you may experience some harsh truths about which friendships support you and which do not. Setting boundaries might be necessary moving forward.


gemini horoscope

Here comes that recognition at work, Gemini. Responsibility is a major theme in your professional career, which could mean you’re accepting a promotion or perhaps taking on a project that feels career-defining in some way. Mentors and people you respect may also give you compliments, leaving you feeling proud and more confident in your own abilities.

You’re letting your intuition guide you when Venus in Cancer meets with Mars in Taurus on June 28. This can feel like a creative spark that helps you bring an idea from your imagination to life. You’re drawing up the necessary plans and working on something exciting behind the scenes.

Your commitments and responsibilities can feel a bit overwhelming once Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on June 29. The next few months invite you to reflect on your relationship to work in particular. Do you have healthy boundaries or a manageable work-life balance? If not, it’s time to reconsider your priorities.


cancer horoscope

You’re making a momentous decision for yourself, Cancer, when Venus, in your sign, clashes into the Nodes of Fate on June 26. Perhaps you’re ready to take a risk on a personal goal or make a big move in a romantic relationship. Whatever you choose to do feels like it can alter your life path—let it!

The energy is lively, social, and all about you when Venus (also in your sign) meets with Mars in Taurus on June 28. You could have some fun plans with friends or receive an invitation out of the blue. The energy is fertile for brainstorming, so share your ideas far and wide!

A perspective shift is upon you once Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on June 29. The energy is a bit more stern and serious, and you could learn information that requires your mature and responsible side.


leo horoscope

You’re working carefully behind the scenes, Leo, when Mercury in Cancer mingles with Saturn in Pisces on June 26. You could accept a new role or contract, but maybe you’re choosing to keep the news to yourself for now. This is also a productive day for accepting the past and coming to terms with what you cannot change or control.

You’re receiving compliments from someone unexpected when Venus in Cancer teams up with Mars in Taurus on June 28. If you’re feeling stuck on a problem at work or in your personal life, today’s energy encourages you to seek solutions through intuitive practices or making time for rest.

Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on June 29, reminding you to pay closer attention to your budget. You may integrate some new wisdom regarding your spending habits or rework your budget to build more stability and security for yourself over the coming months, too.


virgo horoscope

You’re making plans for your future, Virgo, when Mercury in Cancer syncs up with Saturn in Pisces on June 26. Maybe you’re coordinating a summer getaway with some of your BFFs or even discussing the future with a romantic partner. You may also have conversations that require maturity, respect, or commitment.

Say yes to that last-minute invite because you never know who you’ll meet when Venus in Cancer links up with Mars in Taurus on June 28. If you’re working on any collaborative projects, this is also dynamic energy for brainstorming and to get excited about the next steps in your plans.

Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on June 29, urging you to reconsider some of your close relationships over the next few months. You may need to reassess who gets an all-access pass to you and your energy. Setting boundaries and reconsidering commitments in your one-on-one relationships will be a theme this summer.


libra horoscope

You may feel swept off your feet, Libra, once Venus in Cancer connects with the Nodes of Fate on June 26. Connections feel deeper and you know it’s not just a coincidence that you ran into that special someone. Decisions you make today also feel destined in some way, and a new opportunity or prospect may arise.

The green light you’ve been waiting for arrives on June 28, when Venus in Cancer connects with Mars in Taurus. You might land a contract or promotion, maybe an investor is ready to pour their funds into a creative project you’re working on, or perhaps you’re ready to go public with a new romance. The energy is supportive and you’re feeling grateful for the safety you find in your important personal and professional relationships.

It’s time to rework your daily routine once Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on June 29. Now’s the time to kick old habits that don’t serve you. This could also bring changes to any ongoing responsibilities, either adding more onto your plate or freeing up some of your time.


scorpio horoscope

You might be ready to take a romantic relationship to the next level, Scorpio, when Mercury in Cancer joins together with Saturn in Pisces on June 26. This is a great time to discuss commitments of any type. You might also make a personal commitment to a creative project or return to a hobby that lights you up!

The romantic energy reaches an all-time high when Venus in Cancer mingles with Mars in Taurus on June 28. This is exciting energy for a first date, or trying something new with a romantic partner that pushes you outside of your comfort zone (in a good way)! This also brings support and progress for any ongoing discussions you’re part of, so go ahead and ask for what you want!

You’re reconsidering what fun really means for you when Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on June 29. Over the next few months, you might pick up old activities you enjoyed when you were younger or projects you started but never got around to finishing. You may also set new boundaries in your dating life or become more protective of your free time.


sagittarius horoscope

Did you reach a new agreement at work, Sagittarius? When Mercury in Cancer teams up with Saturn in Pisces on June 26, you could learn about a new contract, raise, or opportunity you want to pursue. Conversations that you have today also leave you feeling more secure, like you’ve got a solid foundation for the future.

It’s the little things that turn you on when Venus in Cancer meets with Mars in Taurus on June 28. Today, you can feel grateful for simply being able to share the small moments with a lover. If there’s been any resentment or tension building in some of your relationships, you can make amends and bury the hatchet.

You’re rethinking your living situation once Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on June 29. Does your current home bring a sense of safety, security, and satisfaction? You may start to consider alternatives to where you might want to live or move. This transit may also task you with setting stronger boundaries at home and in your personal relationships.


capricorn horoscope

You’re making new agreements in your close relationships, Capricorn, when Mercury in Cancer links up with Saturn in Pisces on June 26. You might learn about a new position opening up at work or maybe an opportunity to collaborate with someone in a different department. This energy also helps you express your boundaries in a way that is palatable to others, and can help create a more solid foundation for your relationship in the future.

The energy is hot, heavy, and creative on June 28 when Venus in Cancer joins together with Mars in Taurus. This could look like an out-of-this-world one-night stand or opening up to a lover about some of your secret fantasies. If love or lust isn’t a priority right now, you could make some exciting progress on a personal creative project. Share your work—you never know who might see it!

Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on June 29 and it’s time for you to acknowledge where you’ve grown a little too lax with your boundaries. Some uncomfortable conversations may be necessary, but ultimately you know that the awkwardness is temporary.


aquarius horoscope

You’re investing your time and energy into something new, Aquarius, when Mercury in Cancer connects with Saturn in Pisces on June 26. You could also agree to some sort of new daily or weekly commitment, like going grocery shopping for a neighbor who needs some extra help or spending your free time working toward a personal goal.

Venus in Cancer syncs up with Mars in Taurus on June 28. This is creative energy for putting finishing touches on your room or reorganizing your space to make yourself feel cozier. You may also have some ordinary plans with family or friends, but they leave you feeling extra nourished and grateful for the important people in your life.

It’s time to get a handle on your spending once Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on June 29. The next few months invite you to rework your budget, set new financial goals, and pay down any debt that’s been accruing.


pisces horoscope

It’s time to go after what you want, Pisces, when Mercury in Cancer connects with Saturn in your sign on June 26. You’re ready to take a personal goal to the next level and are coming up with a dedicated plan to get you to where you want to be! You may also discuss commitments and expectations in your romantic relationships or creative partnerships today, too.

News that you learn on June 28 leaves you feeling hopeful and encouraged when Venus in Cancer links up with Mars in Taurus. You might get the green light on one of your ideas or projects, or find that others are more intrigued by what you have to say. This is a great day to share your talent and creative side with others. In matters of the heart, you might find yourself sexting or engaging in witty banter with a lover today.

Saturn, the planet of boundaries and limitations, goes retrograde in your sign on June 29. The next few months encourage you to reconsider the commitments you’ve made to yourself. Which personal goals are worth continuing to pursue and which are you ready to release? You may also start to see where you’ve been too hard on yourself.

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