CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (CBS19 SPORTS) — From Charlottesville to the NFL, the game of football has taken Mike Brown many places, but the one constant? His football camp back at his old stomping grounds every summer.

“This is a place that has always given back to me,” Brown said. “So this is the least that I could do to give back to the youth and our community.”

The former Monticello standout hosted his 9th annual youth football camp free to kids ages seven to 13 to past weekend — an opportunity to reconnect with his roots.

“When Mike Brown is in the area, you know it’s always going to bring people out,” friend Asa Chapman said.

“Every time I say it man this is the ninth one,” Brown said. “My first one was in 2014 — missed a couple years due to COVID — but it’s kind of cool now because those kids that were nine years ago are 20 years old now and so it’s just special man.”

This weekend is just a slice of the life Brown created for himself post-NFL. His latest coaching move has led him to serving as the receivers coach at Notre Dame.

“Notre Dame is awesome,” Brown said. “Having a chance to reconnect with coaches that I’ve coached with in the past has been great and the university itself is unbelievable. It’s one of one.”

And this upcoming season, he’ll have the chance the face the hometown team.

“It’ll be fun,” he said. It’s always fun playing against the hometown team, so I’m looking forward to the opportunity.”

But back at home, Brown hopes days like this can inspire the next generation of football players.

“Whenever I would see guys that went on to go play college ball and play pro ball and when those guys came back, I knew how much of an impact anything that they said had on me,” Brown said. “So if I can be that inspiration to one or two kids today or any of us working here can be an inspiration to those one or two kids it makes it all worth it.”