Thursday, September 19, 2024

Aussie cities with the worst customer behaviour revealed

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Business owners across the country have named and shamed the Aussie cities with the worst customer behaviour.

A recent survey by BizCover revealed some of the bad habits of shoppers and patrons in retail and hospitality and showed four cities in particular had some of the worst offenders.

These included Brisbane, Newcastle, Geelong and Ballarat and revealed complaints about prices was the most common customer violation overall, followed by splitting bills with large groups of people.

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Worst retail habits customer behaviour

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Complaining about prices was the biggest customer service violation and the survey found Brisbane was the worst city for that faux pas.

Brisbane locals were also the worst culprits for complaining about prices in bars and Geelong locals were guilty of being overly rowdy and loud laughers when in a licensed premise.

In restaurants, splitting the bill in large groups seemed to be a big one among those living in Ballarat and in Newcastle, shoppers were notorious for picking items up and leaving them in the wrong location after deciding they no longer want it.

When it came to behaviour in bars, restaurants and cafes, Canberra and Sydney also made the list, with Sydneysiders actually being named and shamed as guilty of more than half of all the listed offences.

Canberrans were likely to ask for cocktails not on the menu in a bar and insist the bartender make changes to the recipe to suit them.

angry customers speaking to server
Coffee shops revealed overly long orders was a major faux pas. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

In Sydney, locals love to name drop they know the owner in hopes of getting a discount and when eating at a restaurant, often forget their manners when their meal arrives, letting their kids run wild and clicking their fingers or whistling to get the waiter’s attention, only to not know what they want to order when staff do arrive.

In retail stores, the folks in Sydney also like to insist staff check in the back room if something is out of stock and jokingly (or not) ask for a staff discount when they get to the cashier.

Do you agree Sydney has the worst customer behaviour? Let us know

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