Saturday, October 26, 2024

Cancer Horoscope for July 2024

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Monthly News from Susan Miller

JULY 2024

Dear Reader,

You might already know that I had a flood in my apartment suddenly one evening on April 16. I was writing a article for Vogue Japan. It was due at midnight (noon in Tokyo), and I was finished with my 7,528-word piece and was doing spell check when suddenly there was a pounding on my door. It was the building maintenance man saying that he needed to check my bathroom for a flood.

Dumbfounded, I welcomed him in and showed him that there was no flood at all in the larger of my two bathrooms. He asked me to next show him my tiny bathroom in my bedroom, and when I opened the door to my bedroom I was horrified. I felt my bare feet on squishy, soaked-with-water, wall-to wall carpeting. The water had oddly taken a right turn into my neighbor’s apartment.

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Your July 2024 Horoscope for Cancer

by Susan Miller

The month starts out with a gorgeous, cheerful new moon on July 5 in Cancer at 14 degrees. This new moon represents a cart blanche gift certificate sent to you from a loving universe.

Each month I give you various ideas of how to best use the new moon, but the new moon that arrives at birthday time is one you can use any way you please. Later in the month you will be thinking about a close romantic or business relationship, but for now, at this new moon July 5, and the 10 days that follow, it will be time to think about yourself and what would make you happy. If you want to plan a new chapter of your life, you can, and the new moon of July 5 would open a world of ideas and paths for you.

New moons come in all personality dispositions, some helpful and sweet, and some challenging and even grumpy or cross. You are lucky that this new moon in Cancer July 5 will be a peach and will bring you a plethora of opportunity and support.

Here is what I love about this new moon. Saturn will be elegantly “trine” the new moon and Sun, both in Cancer, on July 5—a sublime aspect. Saturn will add a sense of security, confidence, and aura of calm for you. This could also smooth or boost a relationship with someone close, as Saturn rules your seventh house. This area of your chart covers serious, solemn, and committed relationships, usually sealed with a contract. Those relationships include the person you are married to, or dating in a strong, established relationship, or a business partnership or major collaboration.

See Another Sign’s Monthly Horoscope:

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