Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Eye-Tracking May Boost Early, Accurate Autism Diagnosis

INDIANAPOLIS — Nearly 3% of all children in the United States are diagnosed with autism, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention....

Alzheimer’s Precursor Spurs Credit Card, Mortgage Defaults

In the years prior to an Alzheimer's disease or other memory disorder diagnosis, credit scores begin to weaken and payment delinquency begins to increase,...

Sleep’s Role in Brain Toxin Clearance Questioned by Latest Study

There's no doubt sleep is good for the brain. It allows different parts to regenerate and helps memories stabilise. When we don't get enough...

New research links tattoos of any size with a higher lymphoma risk

Tattoo ink contains known carcinogens, and can be transported around the body and end up in the lymph nodes.However, there is little research into...

N95 Masks Nearly Perfect at Blocking COVID, UMD Study Shows

Any common face mask provides significant...

Prenatal Testing Reveals Mother’s Cancer Risk

Harmful variants in the BRCA1 gene greatly increase a person's lifetime risk of developing breast, ovarian and pancreatic cancers, but most people are unaware...

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