Designed and manufactured in Perth over eight years, the artificial-intelligence-powered robotic drone is unlocking the mysteries of the deep, providing unprecedented access to previously...
Abstract Mitigating sepsis-induced severe organ dysfunction with magnetic nanoparticles has shown remarkable advances in extracorporeal blood treatment. Nevertheless, treating large septic animals remains challenging...
'I Am Not A Typo' is now urging tech giants to update their dictionaries and make them 'less white-focused'. @Iamnotatypo‘Drutee’, ‘Dirty’, and ‘Dorito’: These...
A pair of new University of Alberta studies show how to make firefighters' clothing safer to wear, maintain and manufacture.One study revealed that some...
With generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) transforming the social interaction landscape in recent years, large language models (LLMs), which use deep-learning algorithms to train GenAI...