Thursday, September 19, 2024

Extraordinary immigration powers and religious protections shelved

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The federal government has effectively shelved its push to introduce both extraordinary immigration powers and religious discrimination laws, with Labor offering few signs it will seek to deliver on its promised policies before the election. 

Ahead of the final parliamentary sitting fortnight before the winter break, Labor has left its migration removal proposal off the first week’s draft Senate program.

That bill, which the government in March insisted was so urgent that the parliament pass through the House of Representatives and Senate within days of its unveiling, seeks to make it easier for the immigration minister to deport non-citizens. It would also give the government the power to effectively ban travel from countries that do not accept involuntary returns of their citizens.

It’s the second time in two months that Labor has refused to list its bill for debate in the Senate. 

Having failed in its bid to rush the laws through parliament, the proposal was sent to a Senate committee for review. 

At the time, Labor said the Coalition was putting national security at risk in refusing to support its proposal. 


Labor and the Coalition effectively agree on the substance of what the bill seeks to achieve but the opposition is refusing to offer its support unless the government agrees to its amendments. 

“The Senate committee recommended the parliament pass the bill, and the government calls on the Coalition to commit to supporting the legislation,” a government spokesman said.

That comment was ridiculed by the opposition.

“It’s hard to pass a bill that’s not even listed for debate,” Shadow Home Affairs spokesman James Paterson told the ABC. 

“Labor should have the courage of their convictions and bring forward the bill they told us in March was so urgent it had to pass in 72 hours.”

Clare O’Neil and Andrew Giles demanded the Senate immediately pass their bid for extraordinary migration powers.(ABC News: Luke Stephenson)

Religious protections face uncertain future

The stand-off over migration also extends to Labor’s promise to deliver religious discrimination laws, with few signs either side is seeking to initiate negotiations on either matter.

Ahead of the last election, then opposition leader Anthony Albanese promised to introduce measures to protect LGBT staff and students from discrimination in religious schools. At the same time, he also vowed to deliver protections for people of faith.

Now the prime minister, Mr Albanese has offered varying accounts of his plans in recent months. 

In March, he told his colleagues the government would only proceed if his proposal also had the support of the opposition. A week later, he said he was willing to pass laws with just the support of the Greens, prompting a rebuke from religious groups

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