Thursday, September 19, 2024

How to Tap Into the Rising Wave of Voluntourism

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Voluntourism is on the rise as more travelers seek out meaningful experiences that make a notable difference in their lives as well as the places and people they visit. This niche combines traditional aspects of tourism with various types of voluntary service while traveling.

Millennials, in particular, are driving the trend, with a vast majority reporting that they would travel abroad to participate in volunteer activities. But make no mistake, voluntourism appeals to travelers of all ages.

The role of travel advisors
Due to the complexities of voluntourism, it is a perfect opportunity for travel advisors to step in and make their clients’ dream volunteer experiences a smooth reality.

Travis Paquin and Michelle Paquin, owners of 417 Travel, became involved in this type of travel years ago when they had the opportunity to volunteer abroad – and it altered their perspective on life.

Paquin says: “There has been a change in requests for voluntourism in recent years. Today, clients care about the destination they are going to, and especially how the culture is affected. We have been heavily involved in volunteering since opening our doors in 2015. In the beginning, it was mainly our agents and owners volunteering their time, but it has steadily increased to where we now have clients that come on these types of trips with us!” 

Mexico, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic are the destinations where the Paquins have the strongest volunteering ties.

“We just returned from our annual giveback trip,” reports Paquin. “We were blessed with the opportunity to visit the village of Chumpón [near Tulum, Mexico], where we donated over 12 carts of groceries, feminine hygiene products, baby supplies; and five suitcases of clothing, shoes, personal care, etc. We had 16 agents and clients with us, taking time out of their schedules to share this incredible day with us.”

In another example, Paquin reports, “One year, we assisted in funds/items for building and supporting a school for local families living in a landfill. We had the opportunity to speak with the kids, play games with them, make bracelets, and establish a real connection, as well as work towards housing for all the families.”

Likewise, Lori Swinderman, owner and president, Travel By La Buena Vida, says she has always been involved in volunteering. “Once I moved to Mexico, I wanted to make sure that it was a part of everything that I did. Along with my partner, we created TeAmo-Travel Agents in Appreciation of Mexican Origins. We give back to the community and often involve travel agents in projects and giveback opportunities.

“We offer our clients the opportunity to bring donations and experience authentic Mayan communities. It is part of all of our groups that we do in Mexico. We have also done African safaris, and have made volunteering and donating at local villages a priority.”

Swinderman’s agency arranges volunteer events almost monthly and sometimes semi-monthly. “We go into the Mayan villages and work with them on their needs and help to provide them. We help them with special projects and supply school supplies every year to four villages. I have been to orphanages in Punta Cana and in Puerto Vallarta. Those experiences are something that will stay with me for the rest of my life.”

Driving positive change in our world
Voluntourism opportunities exist around the world, but some of the key regions are Latin America, Africa, and Asia. On-site experiences might include activities in conservation, agriculture, animal care, child care, youth development, support of local artisans and entrepreneurs, disaster relief, social work, or community development.

By suggesting and booking voluntourism for their clients, travel advisors are helping to drive positive change in our world. These trips create connections, build awareness of other cultures and ways of life, and support local economies and sustainability.

Swinderman notes: “In our industry, we move wealth all over the world, and we have a tremendous opportunity to create change. Many of us know the struggles that vacation destinations go through, yet we don’t share that info with our clients. I think sharing that info in a respectable way creates a change. It also creates education about other cultures. It makes you realize what a big, amazing world we live in.”

As Paquin says, “The number one change we are driving is education. Reminding others that there is more that goes on in some of these destinations than large hotels and beautiful beaches. Reminding people that we can wake up each day and choose to make a difference, and choose to be kind to others.”

Diane Celento, owner, Rochester Travel Group, relays: “I will take every opportunity to volunteer in a destination, whether it’s an orphanage, school, hospital, etc. … We have brought full suitcases of baby clothes and items to Mexico for new mothers when they leave the hospitals. We are always bringing school supplies and clothes to these areas.

“If you’re successful in business, you owe something back somewhere. It doesn’t matter if it’s in a church, school, or health charity, but you need to be grateful to those that have made you successful.”

Vetting suppliers
As with any travel supplier partner, those offering voluntourism trips need to be vetted. Some aspects to consider are: if the programs have a stated and clear focus; where the money goes and how much of it stays in the community being assisted; if children or animals are involved, what guidelines are used; how they track progress made through their programs; and what past volunteers have said about their experiences.

Paquin recommends: “Use your travel agent resources to find someone with a personal connection to a charity. That will allow you to establish a further connection, and vet through the different organizations. Programs that accept more physical opportunities to get out and experience volunteering are the most rewarding experiences out there!”

Swinderman says: “We look for 100% transparency. Partners that are willing to answer all of your questions with zero hesitation. We also talk to fellow agency owners and advisors, and ask about experiences and share ours.”

While on the subject of how to best protect clients, also remember to talk to them about purchasing travel insurance for medical coverage and trip delay coverage for these types of trips. And Swinderman says to “have iron-clad terms and conditions. This is vital! Find a great insurance partner that you trust and has the best product for your clients.” 

More advice for travel advisors
As for further advice for travel advisors who want to break into selling the voluntourism niche, “Jump into a program that has a personal passion behind it, and make sure you mention it to all your current clientele. You never know who will want to get involved, and selling a place you’re passionate about helping is how you keep yourself interested!” Paquin suggests.

And Swinderman recommends that travel advisors “do it from the heart, to realize that they have the power to really create change with this. Not becoming part of this because it may seem trendy or for profit. Find a mentor who is successful doing it now and work with them to learn the ins and outs!”

For those now wandering just how big the voluntourism market is … every year, more than 10 million international travelers, mainly from North America and Europe, travel abroad to volunteer. This is clearly a niche worth considering.

Paquin encourages: “If you have the opportunity to step away and join a voluntourism trip, please do. It will change your life, your perspective, your view on everything. Helping one person might not change the world, but it could change the world for one person.”

ALG Vacations® stands as the premier tour operator in North America, and we are wholeheartedly dedicated to embracing kindness at its core. Our commitment is exemplified through a range of initiatives, including our Give-Back program, which empowers travel advisors to contribute through donations and volunteer work. Leave the worries out of travel and give your clients a meaningful trip with peace of mind when you sell Travel Protection Plus. This plan offers comprehensive protection with coverage for trip cancellations, interruptions, and medical emergencies. ALGV is proud to be part of ensuring less worries for you and your clients.

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