Couple of months back PM Modi had mentioned his priorities of Modi 3.0. The first word which was used was infrastructure and then subsequently others. There should not be any surprise given the fact that even in the last ten years, infrastructure has been a priority. What has changed is that in the first five years, it was the clean up of the books and debt which was taking place. In the next five it was both, lowering debt, higher order book and now with books much better placed, much less litigation, now when the order book gets bigger as the focus on infrastructure continues the increase is likely to be more visible in margins and that increases the probability of even a strong and sustained rating. We take a look at infrastructure makers, which is very different from infrastructure owners. Though in some cases, these companies also have some projects where they have stakes.
11 mins read,
Among the sectors which have seen a strong re-rating in the last five years, probably infrastructure is amongst the top ones. Like many other sectors here also the re-rating has been largely due to policy push and government spending. If one looks at the performance of the companies in the last five years, there has been clearly strong growth across the board. So, policy continuity was critical for this sector and now that street is assured of
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