Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sydney University orders protest camp to leave

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He denied the camp was exclusionary, saying: “This has been one of the most welcoming and heartwarming spaces I have been in my life.”

“While it may appear to the public they have let us camp here … the university has repressed us this entire time,” Brennan said.

University management posted signs saying unattended items would be regarded as lost property.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

“In reality we have been inundated with arbitrary cease and desist letters about university by laws.”

The university said it has continually had to remove rubbish and broken items from the site and had asked owners of unoccupied tents to remove them.

“We have repeatedly stated since the encampment began that we support the right to peaceful protest, provided it does not cause significant disruption to core university operations,” the spokesperson said.

“We consider preparations for semester two to be core university operations, and any activity that impedes our ability to prepare for them in the usual fashion constitutes a significant and unacceptable disruption.”

The Sydney University encampment has been in place for eight weeks.

The Sydney University encampment has been in place for eight weeks.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Scott promised to review the university’s investment portfolio related to defence and security industries before a senate divestment discussion, in exchange for the protesters leaving.

He also promised to establish a working group, which would include representatives nominated by the camp, to undertake a comprehensive independent review of the university’s research partnerships, including those with defence companies. The university pledged to disclose its research ties to weapons companies, while complying with its legal obligations.

The protesters – who demanded the institution cut all ties to weapons companies and Israeli universities – rejected all offers made by the university, labelling them “incredibly inadequate”.

The encampment followed widespread student protests in the United States that started at New York’s Columbia University. Some were forcibly dismantled by police, leading to mass arrests.


Students at the University of Melbourne and Curtin University left their encampments after those institutions agreed to disclose their ties to weapons companies.

Other encampments in Victoria were disbanded following threats of expulsion from universities.

The University of Sydney previously allowed the encampment to remain despite pressure from some Jewish groups to shut it down.

The camp has remained largely peaceful, but it was embroiled in controversy when a group called Families for Palestine organised a “kids excursion to Sydney University Palestine solidarity encampment”.

Last month, two students associated with the camp were suspended for a month for “seriously disrupting” classes.

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