Friday, September 20, 2024

The Best Jobs For Each Character In Yakuza: Like A Dragon

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Like most RPGs, Yakuza: Like a Dragon features a variety of classes known as Jobs. These Jobs are split between male and female characters, but any character of that gender can have any Job available to their gender. Each character starts with a Job already assigned to them, but you can change their Job and better hone their skills to your liking.



There are seven different characters in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. While you can swap Jobs, each character is crafted to fit certain Jobs over others. For some, you will want to stick with the Job they have first equipped, while for others, you should get rid of their initial Jobs as soon as they can.


How to Change Jobs in Yakuza: Like a Dragon

This time around, classes are referred to as “Jobs”. Here’s everything players need to know about changing jobs in Yakuza: Like A Dragon.

Best Jobs For Ichiban Kasuga

Best Jobs For Ichiban Kasuga




Ichiban Kasuga is the protagonist of Yakuza: Like A Dragon, so it’s important to pick the right Job for him. As the main character, Kasuga has the exciting Hero Job, which can be compared to a Paladin in a more medieval RPG. It’s a strong class for brawling with both targeted and area attacks.

Hero also provides some healing abilities for a bit of Support utility. The Job is unique to Kasuga and appears early on in the game. You should stick with Hero for most of the game but dip into some other Jobs for extra abilities.

The Foreman Job has a particularly unique ability called Demolish that Kasuga should have. This Exploration Ability lets him destroy obstacles and access blocked areas in the city. This is essential to finding gold keys in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. The job has a few other targeted abilities that also work well with Kasuga’s stats. For more abilities, you can also invest in the Breaker Job for a few low-ranking, unstoppable attacks.

Best Jobs For Yu Nanba

Screenshot of Nanba from Yakuza Like A Dragon

Best Jobs For Yu Nanba

Homeless Guy



You wouldn’t expect a Homeless Guy to be a class in an RPG, but it is, and it’s an excellent fit for Yu Nanba. He starts with the Homeless Guy Job because he is a homeless man. The Job is unique to Nanba, just like Hero is unique to Kasuga. The Job is better later on in the game once you unlock its special fire abilities. Early on, however, you may want to use the Musician Job.

The Musician has a similar build to Homeless Guy in that both are more supportive roles with fun mechanics. The Musician has a great Character Skill at Level 4 that lets you fully regenerate your party’s health. It’s a great healing ability for male characters and one you should keep around. Musician also has a mechanic called “voltage” that plays around with how much damage the character can deal.

Once you get Level 4 in Musician for Nanba, if you don’t want to switch back to Homeless Guy yet, try out the Chef Job. The Chef can be considered a jack of all trades with various attacks. It gives Nanba early access to fire attacks and a well-rounded kit to get him through the early phases of Yakuza: Like a Dragon.

Best Jobs For Koichi Adachi

Koichi Adachi from the Yakuza series

Best Jobs For Koichi Adachi




Just as Nanba starts as a Homeless Guy due to his lot in life, Koichi Adachi starts as a Detective due to his profession. Despite this, you should switch him out of the Detective Job immediately. While it can be useful to grab some buffs later on, it’s not a great Job. There are far better Jobs for Adachi’s high HP and Defense, namely, the Enforcer Job.

The Enforcer is a tank that can draw enemy attacks toward him, keeping his more fragile allies safe. With Adachi’s high HP, he is perfect for the Enforcer role. At Level 6, the Enforcer can paralyze enemies and provide great openings for the party. You should continue to boost Adachi’s HP and Defense as you work toward Level 99. There are very few downsides to keeping Adachi in this Job for most of Yakuza: Like a Dragon.

You can dip Adachi into the Foreman and Breaker Jobs for a bit more ability diversity. The abilities featured in these roles mesh well with the rest of Adachi’s playstyle. Breaker’s Maximum Flair can help boost Adachi’s Defense, while Foreman has some HP boosts and abilities that synergize well with Enforcer. Still, you should have Adachi as your party’s Enforcer for the end game.

Best Jobs For Saeko MukuodaSaeko Mukoda from the Yakuza series

Best Jobs For Saeko Mukuoda


Night Queen

Saeko Mukuoda is one of only two female party members available in the game. As a woman, she can’t take male Jobs like Enforcer or Musician. She has a list of female-centric jobs, such as Barmaid or Dealer, to replace them. Neither of these Jobs fit well with Saeko’s kit, however. Instead, her main Job in the party should be as an Idol.

The Idol is the top healing Job in the game and essential for combat in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Idol keeps the party alive and even revives them should they fall in combat. Saeko is built to be the Idol and should stay an Idol for most of the game. Still, Saeko needs a bit more combat prowess for the challenges ahead. Therefore, have her play as a Night Queen for a bit to collect some attacks.

Best Jobs For Eri Kamataki Eri Like A Dragon Yakuza

Best Jobs For Eri Kamataki


Night Queen

Eri Kamataki is an optional party member in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, but a worthwhile member nonetheless. Her starting Job, Clerk, is incredible and transforms Eri into a ninja, throwing thumbtacks and attacking with rulers. She makes up for Saeko’s lack of physical damage by riddling the enemy with statuses. You will have a truly valuable fighter by letting Eri grow into her starting job.

For more Attacks, HP, and brainwashing attacks, give Eri a few levels in
Night Queen

Best Jobs For Joon-Gi Han

Joon-Gi Han from the Yakuza series

Best Jobs For Joon-Gi Han




Joon-Gi Han may be a boss in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, but he’s also a great party member. He is versatile and easy to build into whatever your party lacks. He starts out with his unique Hitman Job, which has some good abilities for single-target attacks. It’s best to get Han’s Hitman level up to about Level 10 before switching Jobs so he can benefit from the Job’s strongest attacks.

From there, you have a couple of options. If you want Han to be more physical, you can level him up in the Foreman Job and later switch to an Enforcer position. If you want more magical support, you can start Han out as a Chef, catering to Han’s versatility, before giving him the Host Job, which behaves similarly to Nanba’s Homeless Guy Job.

Best Jobs For Tianyou Zhao

Tianyou Zhao from the Yakuza series

Best Jobs For Tianyou Zhao



The last party member available in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Tianyou Zhao, has an excellent starter Job called Gangster. Zhao puts his all into dealing damage as a Gangster, increasing MP and Attack as he levels up. You will need someone to keep Zhao safe if he enters combat with this Job, as he can’t protect himself, but he can land killer blows.

When you feel comfortable with Zhao’s Gangster level, spend some time with the Breaker Job. This Job gives Zhao some extra utility and a few attacks that can boost his Defense. The Attack and Agility bonuses work well with the rest of Zhao’s kit. With these Jobs on hand, Zhao makes a great addition to the party in Yakuza: Like a Dragon.

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