Thursday, October 24, 2024

Why You Should Definitely Book a Solo Travel Vacation This Year

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Travel is one of the most exciting, challenging, and eye-opening things you can do for yourself. Whether you’re road-tripping to the next state over or hopping on a plane and zooming to the opposite side of the world, traveling immediately takes you out of your comfort zone and invites you to see the world through new eyes. Solo travel elevates this experience further, inspiring you to explore both inward and outward.

Mandi Getz, Travel Expert at Fit4Travel 

Go into the experience with an open mind that this will be an adventure and that you’ll learn something and grow.

— Mandi Getz, Travel Expert at Fit4Travel 

Solo Travel and Mental Health

Raise your hand if you’ve ever deeply felt the mundanity of life. You wake up in the morning, drink your coffee, work, enjoy maybe an hour or two of free time, then go to sleep only to repeat the same sequence day after day.

“People need challenges in their lives and to break free of their comfort zone to expand their mental health, allowing them for personal development and growth,” explains licensed professional counselor and avid traveler, Abbey Sangmeister, MS.Ed, LPC, ACS. “I encourage clients to do solo travel as they have more time to turn inward and focus on themselves and areas that are no longer working for them.” 

Mandi Getz, a travel expert at Fit4Travel, which creates tailored wellness retreats, agrees. She says that traveling is an opportunity to step outside of your daily life and experience new people, new cultures, and new adventures.

Disrupting that day-to-day flow allows you to work through challenges, empower yourself, and discover your inner strength (or even help you find what you didn’t know you had!). So often we quiet our own passions and longings, but solo travel has the potential to silence all the external influence so you can tune into yourself.

8 Ways Solo Travel Improves Mental Health

Let’s explore some of the specific ways solo travel benefits your mental well-being in the short and long term.

  • Simply planning and looking forward to your trip can help you feel happier.
  • The experience provides you with intentional opportunities to look inward and self reflect.  
  • It encourages you to think about what you really want to do versus catering to another person’s preferences.
  • Solo travel increases your tolerance for adversity and challenges, which can benefit you in your daily life, too. 
  • It can help you feel greater satisfaction about your overall quality of life and even improve your relationships.
  • The experience shows you just how strong and resilient you are, which can promote confidence and a greater sense of self.
  • It can make you a more open and agreeable person, which is crucial for social interactions and relationships, as well.
  • Solo travel allows you to meet new people and make new friends. When you’re with a partner or longtime friend, that same desire to meet others isn’t quite as high.

Tips for Planning a Solo Trip 

Feeling inspired to book a solo vacation but aren’t sure where to start? You’re not alone. Follow these expert tips to help ensure you have an amazing experience from beginning to end.

Start Small 

It’s OK if the idea of traveling alone makes you feel nervous. It’s guaranteed to get those butterflies going! But you can do it, and remember, small steps only lead to bigger ones. 

“If someone has never traveled alone and feels anxious about it, start small,” Sangmeister says. “Have you ever sat at a coffee shop alone without a laptop in front of you? Expand upon that and go out to lunch and then dinner alone. Try adventuring in your own neighborhood. Then book that trip.” 

Join a Group Retreat 

Participating in a group trip is an amazing way to travel solo without being completely alone. These trip itineraries are curated by travel experts and are packed with highlights of your destination while remaining flexible to give you the freedom to be on your own.

“Our wellness retreats make things super seamless instead of you having to go in and plan everything on your own,” Getz adds. “This is especially helpful if you’re not a well-traveled person or feel nervous about traveling. From hotel transfers to excursions to having a local guide lined up, we ensure you can enjoy a fully integrative experience with the culture and the history.” 

Choose the Right Destination  

Newbie solo travelers should put a lot of thought behind where they’re going. Jay Ternavan, founder of JayWay Travel, recommends starting with a destination that’s known for its safety and travel-friendly environments. These destinations often have robust tourism infrastructures and low crime rates, making them ideal for building confidence. 

Stay Smart 

The reality is that crime is possible even in your own backyard. (To that end, some destinations may even be technically safer than where you live!) Still, Ternavan says to always be aware of your surroundings. 

“Trust your instincts and avoid secluded areas, especially at night,” he advises. “Keep your valuables secure using hotel safes and avoid displaying expensive items in public. I also recommend sharing your travel itinerary with family or friends and scheduling regular check-ins with them.” 

Pro Tip: You don’t have to be fluent, but learning a few basic phrases in the local language can help you navigate and interact with locals more comfortably. 

Be Open to the Experience 

Travel forces you to roll with the punches and be adaptable. Maybe the restaurant won’t have any food you like (time to try something new!) or perhaps the tour started way later than you wanted. Whatever the case, try to remain flexible.

“I know a lot of people are nervous just because they want everything to go perfectly, and with travel, things don’t always go perfectly no matter how much you plan,” Getz says. “Go into your travel day and the experience with an open mind that this will be an adventure and that you’ll learn something and grow. It will all be well worth the experience.”

Don’t Over-Schedule Yourself 

To make your trip really count, avoid the temptation of overbooking and account for some flexibility in your plans. “With most people having an over-scheduled daily life, I encourage them to listen to their inner voice and practice flowing when they are on solo travel,” Sangmeister says. 

Try to Be Present 

It’s already a struggle to remain present in our daily lives, but that can compound when we’re traveling. So often, our minds go to what’s the next thing on the itinerary versus soaking up an experience while you’re there. “Taking time to be in the moment is super important,” Getz says. “Be mindful and continue to remind yourself to be present where you are.” 

Abbey Sangmeister, MS.Ed, LPC, ACS

Use the time of solo travel to listen to your thoughts, find your breath, and think through ideas and goals.

— Abbey Sangmeister, MS.Ed, LPC, ACS

Do Some Self-Reflection 

Solo travel is the perfect opportunity to look inward and better understand yourself. “Keep a journal to reflect on your trip and those messages that come when you are in quiet moments,” Sangmeister suggests. “Use the time of solo travel to listen to your thoughts, find your breath, and think through ideas and goals.” 

Solo travel can help you uncover a path you never dreamed of or discovered. It allows you to courageously conquer fears, build new coping skills and strategies for success, and learn about new cultures and experiences. Embrace it all! 

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  1. Gilbert, D., & Abdullah, J. (2002). A study of the impact of the expectation of a holiday on an individual’s sense of well-being. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 8(4), 352–361.

  2. Chikani, V., Reding, D., Gunderson, P., & McCarty, C. A. (2005). Vacations improve mental health among rural women: The Wisconsin Rural Women’s Health Study. WMJ: Official Publication of the State Medical Society of Wisconsin, 104(6), 20–23.

  3. Zimmermann, J., & Neyer, F. J. (2013). Do we become a different person when hitting the road? Personality development of sojourners. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 105(3), 515–530.

By Wendy Rose Gould

Wendy Rose Gould is a lifestyle reporter with over a decade of experience covering health and wellness topics.

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