Friday, September 20, 2024

Your horoscope for Monday, June 10, 2024

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March 21-April 20


Even though the Sun is in flighty Gemini, Mars, the Moon and Pluto are provoking rigidity. Be as flexible as you can.


April 21-May 21


At first you say a stern no. Then you dig in even deeper. And then at some point you bolt into action, all cylinders firing.


May 22-June 21


The tectonic plates are moving in a beneficial way, under the surface and out of your consciousness. Relax and trust.


June 22-July 23


The Moon is in Leo. As it provokes you to express yourself, so others reveal themselves to you in reaction. Be amazed.


July 24-Aug 23


The Moon is in Leo. She is clicking you into gear to say what you feel. As you do so, others begin to reciprocate.


Aug 24-Sep 23


As the Black Moon/Lilith inspires you to expose your hurts, so a major journey of expansion and transformation begins.


Sep 24-Oct 23


Relax in rumination. There’s no law against panning through the photographs you have collected in your mind.


Oct 24-Nov 22


The easy path would be to take things lightly. The hard path would be to lock horns with those who thrive on locked horns.


Nov 23-Dec 21


Jupiter in Gemini has you humming away blissfully. Focus on learning. As you create new neural pathways, joy arises.


Dec 22-Jan 20


As you bring your love and attention to your relationships, so you must shed a little discipline. Slip into playfulness.


Jan 21-Feb 19


If you want to have a hard time, you can. Life is generous. If you want to fly free and easy, you can. The choice is all yours.


Feb 20-March 20


The presence of Neptune in Pisces opens up a broad perspective that allows you to find opportunity even in difficulty.

The flavour of the day:

Watch for those moments when the eye is bigger than the stomach.

Your birthday message:

Take a gentle, healing, visionary journey. Avoid hard edges, rigidity and willfulness at all costs. Love, playfully.

Key: ★★ Challenging ★★★ Encouraging ★★★★ Excellent

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